順位付け の変更点 :: システム開発文書品質研究会

用語wiki順位付け の変更点

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2: 2013-07-14 (日) 16:26:39 FujitaYutaka ソース 現: 2013-07-22 (月) 05:00:07 ShioyaAtsuko ソース
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* 順位付け [#a9e53102] * 順位付け [#a9e53102]
** 参考定義 [#abc8390d] ** 参考定義 [#abc8390d]
-*** IEEE 830 (Ranked for importance and/or stability) [#qa580fda]+*** IEEE std 830-1998 (Ranked for importance and/or stability) [#qa580fda]
An SRS is ranked for importance and/or stability if each requirement in it has an identiÞer to indicate eitherthe importance or stability of that particular requirement. An SRS is ranked for importance and/or stability if each requirement in it has an identiÞer to indicate eitherthe importance or stability of that particular requirement.
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b)Conditional.Implies that these are requirements that would enhance the software product, but would not make it unacceptable if they are absent.&br; b)Conditional.Implies that these are requirements that would enhance the software product, but would not make it unacceptable if they are absent.&br;
c)Optional.Implies a class of functions that may or may not be worthwhile. This gives the supplier the opportunity to propose something that exceeds the SRS. c)Optional.Implies a class of functions that may or may not be worthwhile. This gives the supplier the opportunity to propose something that exceeds the SRS.
 +*** IEEE std 830-1998 和訳例 [#c4292177]
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