無あいまい性 の変更点 :: システム開発文書品質研究会

用語wiki無あいまい性 の変更点

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2: 2013-07-14 (日) 16:24:15 FujitaYutaka ソース 現: 2013-07-22 (月) 04:20:19 ShioyaAtsuko ソース
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* 無あいまい性 [#j3ebaca1] * 無あいまい性 [#j3ebaca1]
** 参考定義 [#ld57da5a] ** 参考定義 [#ld57da5a]
-*** IEEE 830 (Unambiguous) [#rc658872]+*** IEEE std 830-1998 (Unambiguous) [#rc658872]
An SRS is unambiguous if, and only if, every requirement stated therein has only one interpretation. As a An SRS is unambiguous if, and only if, every requirement stated therein has only one interpretation. As a
minimum, this requires that each characteristic of the final product be described using a single unique term. minimum, this requires that each characteristic of the final product be described using a single unique term.
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When using any of these approaches it is best to retain the natural language descriptions. That way, customers unfamiliar with the notations can still understand the SRS. When using any of these approaches it is best to retain the natural language descriptions. That way, customers unfamiliar with the notations can still understand the SRS.
 +*** IEEE std 830-1998 和訳例 [#p4a919de]
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